SketchUp Essentials
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SketchUp Essentials

关键字:上海SketchUp Essentials|SketchUp 培训|SketchUp Essentials教程

学校价格:¥电话咨询 网上优惠价:¥预约享团购 关注度:629人
总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:白班、晚班、周末班 上课时段:滚动开班  
  Visualizing in three dimensions is critical to the success of the design of architectural spaces. The interplay of light, color, space, and form make exciting spaces function successfully.
  Traditional methods for exploring these issues are very labor intensive. Use of computer software has enabled quicker (and sometimes more accurate) study models to be generated, explored, and iterated more times in the design time available. The SketchUp Essentials One and Two, Training course provides delegates without prior experience, with a grounding in the use of SketchUp.
  To be successful in this course, you should already be able to:
  Understand fundamental geometric terms such as polygon/parallel/perpendicular/axes/arc and array.
  Understand 3-dimensional drawing terms such as rendering/field of view/point of view.
  Demonstrate mouse skills including: double-click, single-click, drag, and right-click (context-click).
  Please also note that there is a lot covered during this course, so the day will be quite intensive. With this in mind, if this course is taken on a private basis, we would recommend that those attending have similar abilities.
  Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:
  Create 2-dimensional geometry (in a 3D environment)
  Create surfaces from lines, circles, polygons and arcs
  Create surfaces from freehand curves
  Demonstrate stickiness of geometry
  Create 3-dimensional geometry
  View a model in 3D
  Create surfaces from lines in 3D
  Create geometry with the Push/Pull Tool
  Move entities to manipulate geometry
  Maintain coplanar geometry
  Connect and generate forms
  Lock inferences
  Generate forms quickly
  Restore/Heal a surface
  Mirror or array a model
  Apply materials
  Create 3D Text
  Import Component models from Google 3D Warehouse
  Alter a model using built-in Styles
  Position and export models to Google Earth
  Alter a model using built-in Styles
  Position and export models to Google Earth
  Understand stickiness in the model
  Use Groups and Components to isolate geometry
  Create a Component
  Understand Component inferencing & editing
  Combine Components
  Import a site into SketchUp
  Insert a Component from a file
  Create a model from a photograph
  Match Photo
  Texture Tweaker
  Understand materials and use the Materials Browser and libraries
  Use the Follow Me Tool
  Work with SketchUp Styles
  Use Apply, Edit and Mix
  Create a basic presentation with Layout
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备注: 温馨提示:提交报名后我们有老师和你联系
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