    • 师资介绍
    • Caoming Sheng

      Name:沈曹明, 加拿大多伦多约克大学经济系文学学士,*华东师范大学对外汉语学院语言学及应用语言学硕士。 旅居加拿大多年,曾就业于加拿大多伦多大学,加拿大安大略省圣劳伦斯学院,有着多年国外教育系统工作经验。 2014年,不远万里来到*,投身于*的教育事业! Caoming Sheng Bachelor of Arts, York University. Master of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, East China Normal University. Living in Canada for many years, employed in University of Toronto, and St. Lawrence College, Ontario, Canada. He has many years experience in the foreign education system, and came to China in 2014, engaged in education career in China.

    • Chris Neverman

      Name:Chris Neverman
      Personal Profile:
      Chris is a Pennsylvania native who has spent the last 3 years teaching in China. He has taught at the Hangzhou Foreign Language School and Kunshan International School before coming to Shanghai Ivy School. He attended the University of Pittsburgh where he studied Hispanic Languages and Literature with a minor in History. He enjoys photography and reading in his spare time and travels any chance he gets.

    • 姚力远

      毕业院校:阿德莱德大学 ( The University of Adelaide. Australia )
      专业:数学与计算机科学 ( Mathematics and Computer Science )
      应用数学与纯数学双学位 ( Double major in Applied Math and Pure Math )

    • Louis

      I have joined Ivy Shanghai to teach the students Biology and Health. This can be a challenge for international students as the entire course is in the English language. I am striving to teach a science, with the terminology being complicated and the concepts as well.
      Shanghai Ivy has a very western approach; this will ready the students for their culture shock when they obtain their entry into their chosen western college. The western education focuses on critical analysis with other cognitive lines of thought, lacking in the normal Chinese education system.
      On an end note, I would like to emphasize the excellent choice to focus on international study. The world is becoming more intertwined with English being the world language, if you want to communicate with the world learn English, if you want to earn a great living, learn English with a subject!  

    • Jennifer


      Working Experience:
      Personal Profile:
      作为一门外语,英语的学习讲求循序渐进和日积月累, 这也是为什么很多学生并没有大量上课外*班,凭借自己扎实的基本功, 认真的听讲和平时的练习,也能够取得优异的托福成绩的原因。所谓循序渐进,讲求的是对语言知识和技能的递进式练习,比如从简单的日常对话到学术讲座,从单句到段落再到篇章, 从听懂到听写或听读, 再到笔记,进而到批判性的对待来自不容文本的笔记等。每个阶段的能力都为下一个阶段打下基础, 从而达到水到渠成的效果。 文本的选择也需要难度适合,一般以100个词里90%的单词都认识为比较适合做课余练习的材料。而日积月累,则侧重于一定的语言接触度,正常情况下,一个新单词需要在不同的场合再见到4-10次左右才会真正被认识,所以不妨每天计划读10-20页英文书, 计划听30-45分钟的英语广播,坚持下来,*在不同的材料中再次接触到目标单词,从而真正意义上掌握它并长效的保持在记忆里。很多时候,特别喜欢听英文摇滚歌,或玩英文界面的游戏,或看美剧、英剧的同学词汇量、表达能力会高于其他同学,原因在于他们*这些兴趣爱好,客观上有更频繁的语言接触度,所以语言能力会更高。

    • Joe Ugas

      Name:Joe Ugas


      Education Background:B.A. University of Washington

      Major:International Relations

      Subjects Taught:US Government & Policy, Writing, and Oral English

      Working Experience:Six years teaching in Latin America and Asia

      Personal Profile:
      Joe has been a valued and respected member of our staff for more than four years. He currently teaches English and Social Studies courses, all the while serving as Student Services Director and Student Government advisor. When he is not at school you can find him globe-trotting or dog-trotting with his wife and two lovely dogs.

    • Spring Wu

      Name:Spring Wu

      Education Background:MA from Arizona State University 


      Subject taught:ENG101, ENG102, Literature, EAP Writing and Speaking, ESL English, Health

      Working experience:
      Aug 2014 - present:Shanghai Pova International School
      Aug 2009 - May 2013:Glendale Community College at Phoenix, Arizona USA

      My Profile
      Holding two master’s degrees in American Literature and English Composition from Arizona State University, I have been working as an English instructor at Arizona State University, Glendale Community College in the US, and Shanghai ivy School since 2014. My principal teaching areas include ENG101, ENG102, and English literature at the undergraduate level. Prior to my teaching career I had accumulated broad work experience in interpreting for mayors, dignitaries, and celebrities, and preparing students to excel in standardized tests such as ACT, SAT, AP, TOEFL, and IELTS.

      My Teaching Philosophy
      I have long been fascinated with the beauty of teaching, which can always keep a soul connection alive by engaging learners intellectually and emotionally. I believe genuine enthusiasm is contagious, with which we instructors can extend a lifeline of empowerment to students so as to proactively and collaboratively promote, preserve, and transmit a legacy of culture, knowledge, and experience. With such convictions, I am committed to nurturing a core of strength that will carry my students through the challenges of English language learning, and, more significantly, life. 
      At the heart of learning lies a passion for the English language that can be instilled only through students’ being opened up to the beauty of language and splendor of its linguistic illustrations. I often tap into audio-visual aids to stimulate senses and emotions towards otherwise obscure literary texts. Learning in that way accelerates the decoding process. Likewise, students can make sense of what they are learning by a tangible connectedness. Over the years, I have been fostering a “magical classroom” in which students receive individually tailored instruction that caters to their quintessential learning styles – visual, auditory, and/or kinesthetic, in which every student can come out of their shell and thrive as an independent learner. Through communicative and hands-on activities such as group debates, questioning and brainstorming, and collaborative writing, my students have palpable access to English reading and writing experiences. With the different learning styles of students in mind, I developed a broad range of assessment, such as quizzes, homework assignments, peer review, oral presentations, traditional tests, short papers, and collaborative group writing, to keep my students engaged and captivated while gauging their comprehension in a holistic way. I desire to incubate a learning environment that invigorates the uninterested and challenges the motivated. I also desire to create a classroom as a close-knit community where students feel and believe they have a stake in each other’s well-being rather than straining peer pressure.

    • Andrew Craven

      Name:Andrew Craven


      Education Background:
      Ba (Hons) English Language and Literature
      Oxford Trinity TESOL

      Subject Taught:English & Philosophy
      Soccer Club Coach

      Working Experience:
      Ivy Shanghai International School (Shanghai); Foreign Language Teacher
      Web International English (Shanghai); Foreign Language Teacher
      English In The Office (Sao Paulo, Brazil); Business English Private Teacher
      Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre (ICNARC); Research Project Manager
      Institute for Policy Studies in Education (IPSE); Research Administrator, Assistant Editor

      Personal Profile:
      This year I have worked with many of the students at Ivy School in different roles, each one challenging and rewarding in its own way.
      As a member of the English department I have worked to improve the students’ English ability and prepare them for TOEFL tests that are so important for their futures.  Studying a language can be difficult and demanding, but I have been proud to see my students work hard to improve their English level so that they have the opportunity to study at some of the best English language Universities in the world.  I also believe that in studying at a school with an international curriculum and with foreign teachers, the students have gained opportunities to develop skills and experiences that would not be available to them at conventional Chinese schools.  The school has particularly encouraged the students to develop wider skills and abilities that will help them to deal with the challenges of the modern world.
      In a similar vein, I have also taught a course in Philosophy to our Grade 12 students.  This course was introduced by our partner school in The USA.  Its aim is to encourage students to be able to think for themselves, to understand the way the world works, and to help them to make their own decisions in life.  These are skills that will be essential for the students when they enter the adult world, in an increasingly dynamic and global society where old established rules have fallen by the wayside and life is becoming increasingly complex.  I have greatly enjoyed teaching this class and hearing the students develop their views and ideas, and I like to think that many of the students have also gained real insights and inspiration from the class.
      Finally, I

    • Valin Joshua

      Name:Valin Joshua
      Louisiana State University

      西班牙语,法语双学士,University of Colorado at Boulder,语言学硕士,在美国、上海有10多年英语,社会科学,西班牙语,法语授课经验,熟悉美国*人文学科和第二语言教学,教学严谨,深受学生尊敬。

      Personal Profile:
      As the head of our school’s social studies department, I have set three distinct goals for each of the three grades I have been teaching this 2015-2016 academic year. I believe these goals are entirely suitable for each of the grades based on their ages and general ability of comprehension at these stages of their lives. Moreover, I also believe that each goal will ensure my students understand what I expect of them, and what they will likely encounter in the course of their studies with me as their instructor. 

      For our ninth graders, I have set the goal of introducing both my current classes to the great world civilizations that have existed since the birth of human civilization, and that continue to form today. In this process we have discussed the four components of social studies, the five themes of geography, how to use globes and maps, and we have additionally gone through a brief survey of each of the major civilizations that have shaped our world, including that of China past and present. I am convinced that, as a result of our endeavors, my students will move on to the next grade with a solid basis of understanding regarding social studies. 

      Regarding our tenth graders, this year I have been in charge of three classes in which I have been teaching them world history. World history includes all developments in human history from Prehistoric times to our world today, but an emphasis is placed on Western civilization since we follow a San Francisco-based high school curriculum. As such, we spend a fair amount of time dissecting ancient Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and World Wars I and II. At the end of their studies, I affirm that my tenth graders will possess a thorough understanding of the world in which we live and how that world today came to be.

      As for my two classes of eleventh graders, I have the privilege of instructing them in American history, beginning with the Native American tribes and civilizations of the pre-Columbian era all the way to the early 21st century with its terrorist threats and global challenges. Major foci of our time together include the American Revolution, the American Civil War, and World Wars I and II from an American perspective. Toward the end of our academic year we will also spend time discussing the Civil Rights Era, the Vietnam War, and other social and cultural developments that have occurred within the more recent American past.

      I am wholeheartedly confident that my students will have been given the proper training and instruction they need to begin their studies abroad on a university campus in the United States or the United Kingdom. In the process of this training and instruction, they have also worked on various projects that required teamwork and concerted effort, and I feel these projects have also helped my students build the proper personal character they will also need to succeed as they move on from our school to the bigger world that is waiting out there for them.

    • Adam Nicholas Wilson


      Name:Adam Nicholas Wilson

      Subject taught:美国*科学(生物、化学)

      Synopsis:Adam Nicholas Wilson老师,美国国籍,毕业于华盛顿大学圣路易斯分校,曾在美国的国际*任教,现在上海博华国际*教授AP生物、化学课程