Excel Basic Tour
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Excel Basic Tour

关键字:excel精英培训|易迪思培训中心|excel 培训班

学校价格:¥电话咨询 网上优惠价:¥团报优惠价 关注度:597人
总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:白班、晚班、周末班 上课时段:滚动开班  

  The New Excel
  Microsoft Office Excel has a new design that makes your work easier, faster, and more efficient. The new Ribbon user interface puts the most commonly used commands in plain sight on your work surface instead of hidden on menus or in dialog boxes.
  Training Objective:
  This program is designed for people who want to get more out of the latest Microsoft Excel. Learn Excel tips and techniques that will make you work faster, more efficiently and perform complex tasks in a matter of minutes or seconds.
  Useful Topics Covered:
  Instead of generic topics from standard courses, we have picked the most useful features of Excel 2007 for our Basic/Intermediate Excel training program.
  * Get a handle on the new look of Excel 2007.
  * The Essentials of Excel 2007.
  * Data Management Basics.
  * Introduction to Excel Charts.
  * Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts.
  * Troubleshooting Formulas.
编号 班级名称 开班日期 教学点 网上优惠价 网上支付
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*学员姓名: *手机号码:
备注: 温馨提示:提交报名后我们有老师和你联系
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