Excel Productivity Cafe
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Excel Productivity Cafe

关键字:excel精英培训|易迪思培训中心|excel 培训班

学校价格:¥电话咨询 网上优惠价:¥团报优惠价 关注度:550人
总课时:预约咨询 开班日期:白班、晚班、周末班 上课时段:滚动开班  
  Excel Productivity Cafe
  Turn into a Productivity Guru after you’ve had a sumptuous meal
  at our Excel Productivity Café.
  What this is about?
  Pick up loads of time-saving tricks for Excel. Learn features that you do not even know they exist yet boosts your spreadsheet productivity. Take command of Excel like never before!
  75 DELICIOUS Benefits of Attending:
  * 10 better ways of working with formulas.
  * 15 fast winners. Techniques and Excel features to add value to your Excel spreadsheets.
  * 20 indispensable functions – from the simple to the slightly more complicated.
  * 25 keyboard and mouse shortcuts – sometimes it’s the simplest things that can save the most time.
  * Top 5 Excel POWER tips according to Aeternus – impress and amaze everyone.
  Things to note:
  Designed for Excel practitioners. Every participant will receive a full-colour copy of reference materials.
编号 班级名称 开班日期 教学点 网上优惠价 网上支付
*课程分类: *课程名称:
*学员姓名: *手机号码:
备注: 温馨提示:提交报名后我们有老师和你联系
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