  • 学校新闻


  1. 10秒预览。花很短的时间预览文章全部。预览什么?
  2. 详略得当的细读原文。Peter反对所谓的快速阅读,我认为文章应该全部读过去,只是在以下几个地方可以加速阅读
  3. 5秒回想
  在读完每一段的时候,千万不要直接进入下一段,这时候不要看文章,试着在头脑里回想刚才读过的那段在讲什么,再次归纳段主题,并和刚才3+1+1过程 中得到的文章主题比较,做出修正。其实这样做是很有道理的,你一定看过老杨的17天,它说短期的记忆周期是5分钟,所以我们的5秒回想其实就是复习,加深 了记忆。许多人觉得他们阅读读完了对文章印象一片空白,就是因为没有及时复习。
  1. 主题题:
  考文章主题找全文中心句为依据,考段主题找段中心句为依据。界定范围之后首先排除越界的选项(与全文无关,或者与本段无关的,或者其他段里偷换来的, 记住在TOEFL阅读里边,它山之石,不可攻本山之玉)之后对剩余选项的范围进行分析,不符合题干范围的全部排除(范围过小的,范围过宽的)然后排除绝对 选项,all, almost, only, most , must 看到就要怀疑是否绝对化了。把这些都排除完了,估计答案就出来了,*后把答案和你刚才自己得到的主题对应一下,检查是否正确就可以。
  2. 猜词秀(这种题可以说是TOEFL阅读的招牌了)
  给大家一个口诀:抛开词汇本身,前后各看一句,注意对应关系,分析感情色彩,主动被动区分,选词代入验证。上面的几句差不多就可以概括做猜词题的全部 要点了,其实说是猜词,其实很不恰当,因为我们猜的实际上是某一个词在一个句群中所起的修饰,限制,补充作用,所以我们一定要从句群来分析词。所以,遇到 一个猜词题,首先确定这个词所处的句群,可能是3,5句,有时候甚至是整个段。然后我们把主考词所在的那一句孤立出来,看它和前后句子的关系。下面我具体 说说句子之间的关系。
  托福的阅读,甚至是所有 的英文阅读,都遵循着一个从主题到细节,从抽象到具体的说理原则,就是不管是文章框架,还是段落框架,都是先罗列主题,再分述,分述的时候也是先列举观 点,再阐释细节,必要的时候举例说明。Peter*分析历年的考试题,发现猜词题的句子一般不是主题句,那么只是细节句或者是分述句.那么我们就抛开主 题与细节之间的关系,但来看细节句之间的关系.其实细节句之间的关系只有两种,同义关系或者是反义关系,同义关系就是:递进,并列,解说,举例,扩展,这 些关系实际上前后句说的是一个意思,所以前句的信息可以直接用来为猜词服务.而反义关系就是:转折,让步,否定,反例.那么只要把前句关系取反,就可以为 猜词服务.好了吧,到这里我想大家应该掌握了猜词的做法.当然,我们还有辅助的分析办法,如果猜词的本身你认识,那么也可以作为你猜词的信息,但是一定要 注意,你所知道的意思只是辅助信息,不是主要信息,因为它不具有文章的特性,放到特殊的文章里边就可能和原义有了差别.在分析选项的时候,四个词一定要代 入原来的句群,看它是否真的和原意群完全吻合,包括动宾搭配,动状搭配,介词搭配,和定语与中心语的搭配。
  3. 指代题可以完全按照猜词题的办法来做
  5.Except和True or False的题型.其实还是搜索,只不过可能有人会觉得找不到,Peter的办法是拿题干核心词和四个选项结合,搜索选项,这样至多三次就可以选出答案.
  Questions 40-50 The cities in the United States have been the most visible sponsors and beneficiaries of projects that place art in public places. (主题!)They have shown exceptional imagination in applying the diverse forms of contemporary art to a wide variety of purposes. The activities observed in a number of “pioneer” cities sponsoring art in public places-a (5 ) broadening exploration of public sites, an increasing awareness among both sponsors and the public of the varieties of contemporary artistic practice, and a growing public enthusiasm-are increasingly characteristic of cities across the country. (关注和热情加大)With many cities now undergoing renewed development, opportunities are continuously emerging for the inclusion or art in new or renewed public environments, including buildings, (10)plazas, parks, and transportation facilities.(新的趋势) The result of these activities is a group of artworks that reflect the diversity of contemporary art and the varying character and goals of the sponsoring communities. In sculpture, the projects range from a cartoonlike Mermaid in Miami Beach by Roy Lichtenstein to a small forest planted in New York City by Alan Sonfist.(各种的公共艺术) The use (15) of murals followed quickly upon the use of sculpture and has brought to public sites the work of artists as different as the realist Thomas Hart Benton and the Pop artist Robert Rauschenberg. The specialized requirements of particular urban situations have further expanded the use of art in public places: in Memphis, sculptor Richard Hunt has created a monument to Martin Luther King, Jr., who was slain there; in New York, Dan Flavin (20) and Bill Brand have contributed neon and animation works to the enhancement of mass transit facilities. And in numerous cities, art is being raised as a symbol of the commitment to revitalize urban areas.(art的作用和象征意义) By continuing to sponsor projects involving a growing body of art in public places, cities will certainly enlarge the situations in which the public encounters and grows (25)familiar with the various forms of contemporary art.(熟悉现代艺术) Indeed, cities are providing artists with an opportunity to communicate with a new and broader audience. Artists are recognizing the distinction between public and private spaces, and taking that into account when executing their public commissions. They are working in new, often more durable media, and on an unaccustomed scale.(给艺术家代来新的艺术交流形式)
  1.60秒预览:看到了The cities in the United States(大写字母,地名)New York City(城市)
  a monument to Martin Luther King(名人)差不多了,Peter确定了是人文科学的文章,又和米国有关,涉及到了一些名人,这就是文章的属性.
  2.1+1+1:The cities in the United States have been the most visible sponsors and beneficiaries of projects that place art in public places. +The result of these activ